In Shakespeare's "Hamlet," the theme of existential exploration resonates deeply. As Hamlet contemplates his life and the uncertainty of death, he reflects upon what he terms "the undiscovered country."
This phrase encapsulates the intangible aspects of our spiritual and mental development, where the boundaries between spirituality and hypnosis blur.
It is within this intersection that we find ourselves drawn to create a community within the NGH.
This group serves as a platform for diverse ideas and discussions, bridging the seemingly disparate realms of spirituality and hypnosis. By delving into these fields, we aim to broaden our understanding and enhance our professional growth.
Our ethos centers on inclusivity, support, and collaboration. We recognize that true education begins with the acknowledgment of our own limitations. When we define something, we inherently exclude other possibilities.
For instance, in the realm of spirituality, defining our concept of God may inadvertently restrict the boundless nature of creative energy. It is imperative that we do not confine our understanding of spirituality.
Similarly, in the practice of hypnosis, predefining a client's outcome may inadvertently limit the potential destinations they could reach. We must remain open to the limitless possibilities for improvement and growth that our clients can achieve.
As hypnotists, we are engaged in exploring the infinite facets of human existence.
We extend a warm welcome to all who join this group.
Let us collectively strive to push the boundaries of our understanding and expand the horizons of our profession.
Dr. Timothy Horn, PhD, OB
Vice-President CSIG